Senior National Intelligence Services Device
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National Intelligence SES Lapel Button
National Intelligence SES Lapel Button with Joint Service

A gold color metal keystone beveled on the edges with seven vertical lines at center surmounted by a heraldic rose charged with a disk bearing a compass rose of eight points, all gold.  The other lapel button is the same except the disc bearing the compass rose is purple.

The Senior Executive Service (SES) emblem depicts a keystone, the center stone that holds all the stones of an arch in place.  This represents the critical role of the SES as a central coordinating point between Governments political leadership and the line workers who implement it.  The heraldic rose, symbol of secrecy and confidence, refers to sub rosa which is Latin for under the rose.  It has been a traditional symbol to describe something to be kept secret and not repeated elsewhere.  The compass rose at the center symbolizes guidance and the world-wide mission of the organization.  The lapel button with the purple center indicates the individual completed a joint assignment.

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